Tremblay Family
My friends Rikki and Danny welcomed their son Hudson to the world a week ago today, and I had the privilege of capturing a few moments of them together this past weekend. It is an incredible feeling to witness dear friends go through the transition into parenthood, and both Reece and I are so excited for them (as I know many of their friends are).
It's also no secret that the first few weeks with a newborn, especially your first, can be really tough. There's very little sleep, and a lot of crying. Oh, and coffee, but that's implied. I have to say that these two are handling it all like champs. I'm grateful for time that we spent together on Saturday and am praying that these images reflect the beauty of their new family.
This session is getting a whole blog post with a bajillion photos and some serious reflections. I was feeling all the feels driving home from their house and I want to give the session justice. But, life is also busy and it will be just a little while longer before I'm able to get through them all. In the meantime, I wanted to share a few of my favorites...because y'all know I'm terrible at waiting.
A few of my favorite memories from Saturday (before I forget): Hudson slept the whole time, so the house was very peaceful while it rained steadily outside. Very typical PNW. | Hearing their whole birth story...I love how Danny kept interjecting while Rikki was sharing the story, mainly because his comments were always to give her more credit when he felt she was discounting herself. | Their house. Sigh, this house. So many stories. I was excited to finally see it. More on that later.
Here are some favorites:
Wishing you all a very lovely Monday,