Family Update
Hi friends!
It has been a little while since I've posted here. If you are friends with me personally or follow along on The Cocobee blog, you are well aware that baby #2 made her (slightly unexpected) debut early last Monday morning! We are very blessed that she is here safe and sound and have enjoyed spending this past week together adjusting to our new family life. If you are interested in reading more about baby M, I share all about her delivery in THIS POST on The Cocobee.
(above photo courtesy of Bella Baby grateful we said yes to an in-hospital photo shoot this time around!)
I wanted to post one more time on the photo blog before going on a little break. A little while ago I mentioned on my Facebook page that I have a limited number of sessions available in November and December. I have had a few inquiries on dates and those spots are going fast! If you are still interested in a session before the end of the year, I would love to work with you!! Shoot me a message as soon as you can and we'll get to scheduling ( While I will be focusing on baby this next month, I'll still be checking and responding to emails, so please do not hesitate to reach out.
As I normally do when I have lots of quiet time, I have started daydreaming about the future and am so excited for some new happenings for Katie Kolbrick Photography! I will be back to posting regularly in October, so keep your eyes and ears out for all sorts of photo goodness, including Christmas specials (obviously!).
And because I can't leave you without any photo cuteness, I thought I would share a few favorites from our little family scene yesterday. Bernadette has been LOVING all the one on one time she is getting with her dad, and yesterday they went out and bought her a tricycle since she has recently become infatuated with bikes. We got one that she can grow into so her legs do not quite reach the pedals now...but they will. It is amazing that with the birth of baby M, Bernadette seems to know that she is now the big sister and has really come into her own. It is hard to believe that she is not quite two yet. The girl seemingly developed an independent streak overnight, can count to ten on her own, and is all about being a big kid. It makes me a little sad, but it is so much fun to witness.
Side note, it just dawned on me that I have officially been in business for a YEAR this month. Crazy! Thanks for all of your love and support, this year could not have been successful without you.