Kelly Family | Part One
Hi all!
In case you missed it, I went to Colorado last month and LOVED IT. I've always said that if I had to move anywhere else besides the PNW it would be to Colorado. There's just something that state and its culture that speaks to my soul. I am sure it helps that some of our dearest friends also live there. If you're behind on my sudden increase in blog posts (aka more than once a month), you can check out my session with the Lamb family HERE. I also had a maternity session with my lovely friend Shannon, and shared the photos HERE.
As I mentioned in Shannon's post, I had the chance to spend some quality time with her whole family. They had asked me to snap some photos of their family of four before their third baby girl (who has since made an entrance into the world) arrived. It was so awesome to spend time with them all, as their girls are very close in age to our own two girls.
A few weeks before my trip, I received a voicemail from Shannon that said, "How do you feel about photographing us all making pancakes one morning?" I literally had to pause the message right then and there and simultaneously let out a cheer and cried a few happy tears. I wish I was kidding, but I'm not.
Friends, THIS is the type of stuff that makes my heart sing. I am 100% positive it's because I have little kids of my own and I'm finally recognizing the value in it, but for real...taking the time to have memories photographed, actual activities of your family being together, this is something you will never regret. You never have to worry about posing or "looking good," because you are doing something you love, surrounded by the people you love, and that within itself makes the images beautiful. You can't fake happiness, true happiness.
I also love the fact that these type of documentary sessions are so unique to whatever family I'm hanging out with. No two sessions are the same, and that is what makes them extra special. Every family has a story, and it deserves to be told.
Shannon loves baking with her girls. She has always been a fabulous chef and I have very vivid memories of enjoying whatever cookies/cakes/breads she would make for Tim and his housemates (and girlfriends) at Gonzaga. This is a tradition that she's kept up with her two little ones, and I can imagine that #3 will join in as soon as she's able.
Of course, cooking with toddlers is an adventure and not for the faint of heart. Flour will be spilled, ingredients will be consumed before they're supposed to be, and there will always be a mess somewhere. And probably tears at some point. :) You're always moving, always entertaining, always doing something. Same goes for eating. Chances are, if there are toddlers at the table, the parents aren't eating. It's not a bad thing, just how it goes. It doesn't matter what was going on in their kitchen this particular morning...the love Tim and Shannon have for their girls was clearly evident.
Here are a few (aka the whole gallery. #sorrynotsorry) favorites from the Kelly's pancake breakfast:
Thank you, Tim and Shannon, for asking me to snap some photos of such a treasured activity with your girls. I hope the photos make you smile for a very long time.
P.S. You may have noticed the title of this post is "Part One?" You bet there's a second part coming your way! Can't wait to share the rest.