The Studio

In my Monday Musings this week I mentioned how something clicked with me I went from still trying to find my way to finally seeing my style come together.  This session was a huge part of it.

Like any art or skill, photography is something where you are constantly learning, evaluating, assessing, making adjustments, applying to new techniques, etc.  A month or so ago, I started feeling a tug, a pull, to get out of my comfort zone and try something new.  To create images that were more artistic and reflected more of how I would like my images to look in the future.

Enter my super talented and drop-dead gorgeous sister-in-law.  She was one of the first people that said yes to a practice session a few years ago when I was learning how to shoot.  I'm pretty sure the only way I knew how to avoid shadows in direct sunlight was to have her look into the sun (bad idea) and I'm honestly not even sure I had Lightroom at that point (we all start somewhere, right?).  Since then, she's graduated from college, we've both had babies, and she doing fabulously as a dance teacher and being fantastic mom.  I am so grateful that she said yes to this little project, and we both had a fun time planning out shots (thank you, Pinterest) and finding gorgeous gowns on Rent the Runway.

We took a mom break last week (aka my husband graciously agreed to watch our toddlers for a few hours) and headed to The Studio in downtown Seattle.  I think it was good for both of us to get out and do something totally different and boy, did we luck out with some gorgeous sun-drenched spaces.  

I have to give a HUGE shout out to one of my favorite Seattle-area photographers for letting us rent the space, Carina Skrobecki.  I love, love, love her style and am ecstatic to be mentored by her in a few weeks.  You can check out her work here:

It really is an incredible feeling to be able to see the images that you have dreamed about come to life in front of your eyes.  I am so very thrilled to share these with you.  


Have a fabulous day!